1. Family preferences
Choose a project according to the size and preferences of your family. For sociable people who love evening gatherings, a project with a large living room with a “second light” is suitable. And a large family may prefer a house that has many small rooms – bedrooms for each family member, an office for those who like to work at home, a cozy living room for family dinners.
2.Plot features
There is a simple rule: first select a site, go to it, look around, and then select a project. How will the house be located on the site? Won’t the shadow from the house next door block your living room windows, and won’t they overlook the eternally dark north side? All the emotions will come from the plot.
3. “Winter” or “Summer”?
Before choosing a project, you should decide whether your family will live in the house permanently, or if you are building yourself a summer cottage. Building a summer house will cost much less, but using a “summer” house in winter will cost more. It is always wise to invest more in the house’s heating and technical systems and make the house more energy efficient. This will better preserve the value of the house over time.
4. Interior style
If you already know which style your family members prefer, you can take into account style preferences already at the project selection stage. Do you want to live in a solid house with high ceilings, a two-story living room, and a half-timbered style? Is it more comfortable for you to live in a classic interior with its simple and regular forms, or do you prefer the bold forms of the Hi-Tech style? You should always choose an architect with whom you have a good understanding of each other. An architect can bring the greatest value to the planning of the whole house from the inside out.